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Mean Fat Insults

Mean Fat Insults 69

Jan 28, 2016 · The Upshot | The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

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Mean Fat Insults 48

Looking for a quick comeback or insult? Here’s a few from the Old West sure to get the job done. He was mad enough to swallow a horn-toad backwards. He’s so mean he’d steal a fly from a blind spider. He was so mean, he’d fight a rattler and give him the first bite. He was mean enough to

Best Insults interactive top ten list at TheTopTens®. Vote, add to, or comment on the Best Insults.

For as long as people have been speaking the English language, they’ve been deploying it to poke fun at one another. Let’s dig a little deeper into the grab bag of insults that language has bequeathed us throughout history, and find out where those terms come from. Wazzock was a particularly

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The Flowery Insults trope as used in popular culture. Basically, it’s all about insults which are creative. Not so much like You Fight Like a Cow. These …

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warning signs insults you calls you names. I feel you, my manfriend calls me names like “ish, immature, a brat, an insecure little teen who can’t do anything and he would always get mad at me when I would get so mad when he ” jokingly” say he was going to have sex with one of my friends and he also gets mad at me when i tell at him

Mean Things To Say To People Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental! Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn’t have given you worse advice.

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You terrible misogynist, why am I so attracted to you? Hahahahaha. I guess forty years of having it their way completely in all damnation has led to extreme laziness, fat fuck, herd mentality complex.

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The funniest insults available! Enjoy our list of the 75 top funny insults, we suggest if you decide to use them do it with extreme caution!

The Volleying Insults trope as used in popular culture. Two characters in a verbal dispute are reduced to exchanging insults — back and forth, over and …

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